Tuesday, May 21, 2013

{Benefits of Ballet}

We just read this great article on the Benefits of Ballet. Some of the benefits you might see from attending Ballet class:
  • Self Confidence "By the end of the class, as skills are combined in a performance, the dancer realizes that what she now can perform is beautiful. The confidence developed is useful for both children and adults. When we accomplish something that previously seemed very difficult, it helps us develop the confidence that we can overcome other obstacles in our lives."
  • Connection to Others "Recent research indicates that when a person performs an action while another person is performing the same action, it activates “mirror neurons” in the brain. It is speculated that these mirror neurons may play a role in helping us understand the behaviors of others and in learning new skills by imitation."
  • Focus and Concentration "When taking a ballet class, the student needs to be aware of where he is in relation to others, where he is in the room and how his body is moving. There are many specific movements of the hands and feet that are learned. This requires memorization and learning how to sequence movements."
  • Stress Relief "Through ballet, you will learn an outlet for emotional expression. By using your body to express emotions, it helps to integrate the mind and the body...Through the integration and expression of emotions, we are able to move through emotional distress, and possibly through the causes of chronic pain and other dis-ease."
  • Other Benefits "Increased flexibility, better posture, toning and strengthening of muscles, sweating out toxins, and many more."
There you have it! Pretty powerful benefits all for an hour of class. Be sure to check out open level Ballet with Sarah Doudna, Wednesday from 7-8pm!