Tuesday, February 5, 2013

{Bust your gut! Bridgette's Gut-busting Ab routine Part 2!}

Made it through Part 1 of Bridgette's gut-busting abs routine? Try out Part 2!

The Extra Mile

1. Return to center, lying flat on your back, and lift legs into bicycle position. Begin bicycling by crunching to the right, bring the right knee in to meet the left elbow, then switching to the left, bring the left knee in to meet the right elbow. All the while, both legs remain in the air, the opposite leg extends as the other one is bent in.

2. Bicycle crunch Right and Left slowly for 1 count of 8 (8 crunches), really holding the crunch and twisting the torso Right/Left.
3. Then double-time the bicycle crunches right and left for 2 counts of 8 (16 crunches). 4. Repeat slow and fast ones (8 slow, 16 fast). 5. Next, return to center and bring your back up off the ground, coming to a “table
position,” with your legs and torso lifted, balancing on your sit bones/backside, creating
a “V” shape with your body. 6. In this position, with your legs bent together off the floor (knees together), straight back
angling slightly backward, rotate torso right and left, arms moving from one side of legs to the other, working your outside abdomen, or lateral muscles. Twist side to side for 3 8 counts (24 crunches).
7. Return to center, legs still off the ground, and push through your arms (from chest to stomach) as you lean back, at the same time your legs extend forward, so your back and legs extend in opposite directions, then come back together to center—10 to 12 times.

Stretch Out
1. Release and lay on ground, stretch arms over head. 2. Turn over onto stomach, press up on arms (like a seal) to stretch out stomach muscles.
Plank Holds
1. Lay flat on ground, stomach facing down, and push up onto your elbow and the balls of your feet. Make sure your hips are in line with your back and legs – so that your backside is neither up nor down, but all in a straight line. Engage your core stomach/abs.
2. Hold for 10 counts in this center position. 3. Pick up your right foot and cross it over the left foot, balancing on the left foot, hold for
10 counts. 4. Switch and cross your left foot over your right foot and hold for 10 counts. 5. Return both feet to ground and hold for 10 counts. 6. Turn body to right side, reaching right arm into air, hold for 10 counts. (If you’d like, you
can push up onto your left hand, keeping your left shoulder in line with your wrist). 7. Return to center, then switch to the left, turning the whole body to the left, reaching
the left arm straight up in the air and holding for 10 counts (again, if you’d like to push
up onto the right hand, make sure to keep the right shoulder in line with your wrist). 8. Return to center on your elbows, making sure that your hips are back in line. 9. Roll forward and backward on balls of feet for 10 counts. 10. Release plank and come to ground, and repeat stretches for abs.

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